
Chapter 2: End of Life Choices in Vermont: Terminology

By: 92csicca

Chapter 2: Terminology related to end of life choices in Vermont.


Chapter 1: End of Life Choices in Vermont

By: 92csicca

Chapter 1: History of the right to die movement.


Weekly Rite 3

By: semacdon

Exploring the themes of my life in the form of an almost enjoyed cup of coffee.


Weekly Rite 3 -- Hands

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Mowzer has become the Alfred Hitchcock of cats, making cameo appearances that invariably influence the entire flic. Here, I explore life from her perspective (and perch)...and begin dancing with my hands, something I've enjoyed through the years. ...


chimi that changa

By: omalone

home is wherever i'm with you


Tom's Weeklyrites 3

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Cold outside, hot inside


Weekly Rites 3

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What happens when Jen gets left home alone....people watcher? Stay tuned


I wonder

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The floor was calling me this time! Many questions without answers, and it's alright.