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  • eseyler
  • Joined: 02/17/2016
  • Profile Views:  2578
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Playlists By eseyler

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Media By eseyler


Weekly Rite 7 -- Porch Jazz

By: eseyler

It was a great day for jammin' on the porch!


Weekly Rite 6 -- Walking

By: eseyler

Having rediscovered how painfully self-conscious I am dancing in front of the camera, I decided to do something I love -- walk.


Weekly 5 -- Bagatelles and Broomsticks

By: eseyler

Diversions during Argentine tango practice.


Weekly Rite 4 -- Beethoven

By: eseyler

What began as an exploration of movement in shadow three weeks ago becomes, today, an homage to Beethoven's brilliance. This part of Concerto No. 2 always chokes me up because of the beauty and silence and peace of it. (Turn your sound up to hear ...


Weekly Rite 3 -- Hands

By: eseyler

Mowzer has become the Alfred Hitchcock of cats, making cameo appearances that invariably influence the entire flic. Here, I explore life from her perspective (and perch)...and begin dancing with my hands, something I've enjoyed through the years. ...


WeeklyRite 1 -- Animals

By: eseyler

When I began the video, I just wanted to dance on a soft surface! As I moved, the mat became a floating zoo or arc that I navigated as if I were exploring or trapped. Alligator, lizard, monkey, insect. I ran out of ideas and almost stopped at 7 mi...


WeeklyRite 2 -- Mowzer

By: eseyler

Synchronicity was at play in the making of this video. (Be sure your sound is turned up.) Sometimes words and movement echo each other, sometimes movement and movement, sometimes sound and movement. What began as a chronicling of a gorgeous day an...