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  • semacdon
  • Joined: 02/16/2016
  • Profile Views:  1543
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Playlists By semacdon

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Media By semacdon


Weekly Rite 7

By: semacdon

A weekly rite where I "disregard" the frame, and myself in it, entirely...or attempt something along those lines. The Frame. The Frame of Reference. Perspective. Viewpoint. Angle. What is framed is not important. My placement in the Frame is not i...


Weekly Rite 6

By: semacdon

Remember: Tadpoles, Mud Puddles, and Clouded Waters


Weekly Rite 5

By: semacdon

All that love all those mistakes. I go to school in Vermont. Wing. Davis. Wilks. I live in a dorm that I hate with a human being I love. Coolidge. I am miserable at... 500 So. Prospect Apt. 4-24. These are the front steps to my hom...


Weekly Rite 4

By: semacdon

Movement is observed, copied, and passed on. It is learned, challenged, and changed by each generation. We are born movers and we are changed by the movement we make and the movement we see. Watching children move changes the way that I see moveme...


Weekly Rite 3

By: semacdon

Exploring the themes of my life in the form of an almost enjoyed cup of coffee.


Weekly Rite 2

By: semacdon

Making Space With windows that look out And force perspective in Something speaks of doubt In the places it grows thin It lingers long enough For something new to sprout, But never long enough To explain where it has been


Weekly Rite 1

By: semacdon

Here I wanted to play with the unique opportunity film creates for movement sequences. If I were to perform the series of movements presented here for an actual audience I would not be able to achieve the same effect. Film and editing allows for r...