
Cell plate vesicle fusion

By: plintilh

ER vesicles accumulate on the phragmoplast.


The Pre-Prophase band

By: plintilh

PPB predicts where the cell plate will fuse with the side walls.



By: garodrig

Dictado para transcripción: Montaña


Weekly Rite 1

By: semacdon

Here I wanted to play with the unique opportunity film creates for movement sequences. If I were to perform the series of movements presented here for an actual audience I would not be able to achieve the same effect. Film and editing allows for r...


Contemporary IV Weekly Rites 1

By: jpowers2

This is my first video this semester, and I just played around with different spaces in Mann Hall as well as I was exploring different contrasting and similar sounds that went along with my movement for this week.



By: omalone

i'm feeling distracted to-day don't ask me the date or the time or remind me



By: garodrig

Breve video para identificar procesos fonologicos


WeeklyRite 2 -- Mowzer

By: eseyler

Synchronicity was at play in the making of this video. (Be sure your sound is turned up.) Sometimes words and movement echo each other, sometimes movement and movement, sometimes sound and movement. What began as a chronicling of a gorgeous day an...


WeeklyRite 1 -- Animals

By: eseyler

When I began the video, I just wanted to dance on a soft surface! As I moved, the mat became a floating zoo or arc that I navigated as if I were exploring or trapped. Alligator, lizard, monkey, insect. I ran out of ideas and almost stopped at 7 mi...