
Starch Chemistry and Potatoes

By: atrubek

In this video, Dr. Almstead explains starch chemistry.



By: anbuchan

Lecture on environmental policies of Soviet Union and Nazi Germany


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences

By: aloven

Part 1 of a 3-part series. This video is captioned and discusses writing an abstract in the health sciences. This video covers the basic structure of an abstract, what an abstract is, how much detail you should include, tools from the Writing Ce...


Writing the Proposal Pitch Page

By: ktoksu

OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., discusses the "pitch" page of a proposal: the first page of the major prose section of a proposal. Reviewers will likely come to a general decision about you, your idea, and the clarity of your...


Your Handshake Profile

By: career

Tips on setting up your profile in Handshake.


Focus Groups and Key Informant Interviews

By: 97dconne

Focus Groups, Key Informant Interviews Lecture


Bread and Butter Farm Intro Primer

By: vizzo

Bread and Butter Farm Intro


negation proof rules PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video on rules for proofs with complex negations, like ~(P & Q), ~(P v Q), and ~(P -> Q).