
New England Forest Inventory Network (NEFIN) Working Session

By: vmc

This was the NEFIN working session. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to https://www.uvm.edu/femc/cooperative/conf...


Maddy Zimmerman - QGis

By: nperdria

Maddy Zimmerman's final tutorial project for GEOL185 (Geocomputing)


Christian Linberg - Blue Bossa

By: clinberg

Recorded with Joseph Capps for Christian Linberg's Level II audition as an MTB major.


Deriving Numerical Aperture = N.A.

By: plintilh

The geometries of diffraction patterns must match the geometries of acceptance angle.


Sarah Weekly Rite #1

By: swhetzle

My classmate filmed me for twenty minutes as I walked around campus. This is three minutes of that footage. The video reflects what I usually do if I have free time between classes.


DPT 420 subjective interview

By: abalboni

DPT 420 subjective interview assignment


My Public Health Digital Story

By: cheath1

This is a project for the course Introduction to Public Health titled "My Digital Story"