
Antonio Banderas' interview: Phonology

By: garodrig

Antonio Banderas' interview: Phonological features


Weekly Rites #6 Zoey November

By: znovembe

I was feeling really goofy and stressed out this week, so I decided to film myself doing yoga and then I did this with the footage.


060 lecture 1: aIr pressure

By: dfeurzei

AIr pressure: what it is, why it is


Weekly Rites #3 Zoey November

By: znovembe

Heat. Exhaustion. Very very hot. Very very tired. Today I've already danced and exercised for 4 1/2 hours in these sweltering temperatures. It's been 90 degrees for several days, record-breaking highs for late September. It's 8:30pm, dark outside,...


168 pricing part 2

By: 97dconne

video lecture CDAE 168 pricing part 2


EE106 Final Project Demo

By: nclogan

This is a demonstration of my final project.


Special Olympics exercises

By: lsavard

demonstration of exercises


2007-01-12 Mad River Ghost town

By: waw

These stalwart young fellows visit a ghost ski resort where the lifts run themselves and the turns twist in the fog