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Results for: 'Basic Concepts of Foods'
sentential translations 1 PHIL013AB
A ten-and-a-half-minute video about how to do translations in sentential logic, using the basic connectives and phrases like "neither" and "unless."
All green plants, which includes trees, need sunlight to produce energy for survival. Some trees can satisfy their basic needs with less light than others. Sugar and red maples are two examples of such trees. They are both considered shade-toleran...
categorical translations PHIL013AB
A video on the four basic forms of categorical translations: All, some, no, not all/some not.
Basic Needs: Transportation and Childcare
An overview of our poster outlining the result found when studying the perception of access to transportation and childcare in Vermont communities.
Screencast presentation with basic information about the Honors College's two partner programs: 1) the Principia Honors Consortium at the University of Glasgow in Scotland and 2) University College Maastricht at Maastricht University in the Nether...
Studying Abroad as an HCOL Student
Screencast presentation meant to help HCOL students plan the timing of a semester abroad around their pre-thesis requirements. Also provides a very basic overview of the study abroad planning process, as well as some ideas for seeking out funding ...