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  • mrichard
  • Joined: 04/23/2021
  • Profile Views:  215
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Media By mrichard


Planon - Space Survey Reports

By: mrichard

How to run reports for Space Survey in Planon


Planon - Space Survey Part 2

By: mrichard

Planon Space and Occupancy Survey Part 2: Making changes on the survey form.


Planon - Space Survey Part 1

By: mrichard

Planon Space and Occupancy Survey Part 1: Changing status transitions and updating rooms with no changes from the previous fiscal year.


Planon - Property Portfolio

By: mrichard

How to use the Property Portfolio in Planon


Planon - Accessing Floor Plans and Viewing Spaces

By: mrichard

How to view floor plans and spaces in Planon.


Planon Access and Navigation

By: mrichard

Basic access and navigation in Planon