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Results for: 'Weekly rides'


Weekly Rites 2

By: jpowers2

Music is inspiration. It is a way of expression, and movement with a dash of sound is magic. This is me in my natural habitat and my random radio playlists :)


Weekly Rites 3

By: jpowers2

What happens when Jen gets left home alone....people watcher? Stay tuned


Weekly Rite 7

By: semacdon

A weekly rite where I "disregard" the frame, and myself in it, entirely...or attempt something along those lines. The Frame. The Frame of Reference. Perspective. Viewpoint. Angle. What is framed is not important. My placement in the Frame is not i...


Weekly Wright

By: tingibin

It was an unexpected but exciting moment as I decided to dance after s long while of denial


Weekly Rites #1 Benny Nduwayo

By: bnduwayo

There is something cool about freestyle dancing at a public Burlington party. I don't know what it is, but whenever I hear African drums playing, my first instinct is to dance.


Weekly Rites #1 Mi Tian

By: mtian

I felt very shy making movement in front of the camera, especially in the public. So I just cut some of the movement into the video.


Weekly Rites #1 Di Lu

By: dlu3

There were some random people passing through the video and it was really interesting to see how it happens and how we interacting with them. They are dancing also in my mind.


Sarah Weekly Rite #1

By: swhetzle

My classmate filmed me for twenty minutes as I walked around campus. This is three minutes of that footage. The video reflects what I usually do if I have free time between classes.


Weekly Rites #1

By: scirigna

The camera sometimes felt like a companion, sometimes like an intruder.