
PubMed: Searching with MeSH

By: danaref

This video will show you how to conduct more specialized searches using medical subject headings (MeSH)


RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Jessica Cole

By: krewcast

Jessica Cole, Ph.D. Candidate in the UVM Biology Department shares insights to her research in the third installment of the RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Learning from Early Career Researchers. Cole's talk is entitled: Investigating the Potential Tra...


Wright Family at Stowe 1966

By: waw

copied from 8mm film to VHS and transcoded several times since


PRNU 110 Research Tips Part 1: Selecting Keywords

By: gatwood

In this video, we will talk about how to select the best keywords for your search.


Krzysztof Kieślowski's White (1994), subway scene

By: hneroni

Krzysztof Kieślowski's White (1994), subway scene. Uploaded for use in FTS 121: Film Theory


ThingLink Tutorial

By: ctl

This is short tutorial on using the online image annotation tool, ThingLink.


Welcoming Guests Back on Our Farms and Ranches

By: rcbartle

As Covid-19 restrictions ease in some parts of the world, travelers who are eager to venture forth seek safe, healthy, outdoor experiences away from crowds— leading to a surge in demand for agritourism experiences which meet these criteria. Join...