
Building a Courses page in Drupal

By: mmthomas

Developed by The Web Team


Bridging the Gap: Improving the relationship between social service organizations and healthcare providers

By: jreategu

 To understand barriers affecting collaboration between social service providers and community health providers in order to promote research-based improvements in health outcomes in rural populations.   


Welcome to New Faculty from the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)

By: ktoksu

Welcome to new faculty from the Vice President for Research, Richard Galbraith, MD PhD.


060 asst 2: interference, beats, difference tones

By: dfeurzei

An introduction to beats and difference tones, and to the sound d editing program Audacity


End-of-life Choices in Vermont and Advanced Directives

By: 92csicca

Completing your advance care directive can be complicated. We’ll explore the values tool kit as well as various options available and will help you complete your advance directive. Class will include discussion about how to have “the conversat...