
Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region

By: rmarti14

Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region


Weekly Rides 9

By: mtian

This is the moment that I have to do everyday. Brush my teeth, wash my face. It is fun to record it.


Weekly Rites #8 Di Lu

By: dlu3

Playing dance game with Mi during Thanksgiving break. This is my favorite weekly rites!! I did some editing to make it look more fun and have a sense of rhythm.


Weekly Rites #9 - Zoey November

By: znovembe

This week I spent a lot of time in the woods. Interested in the soft holding quiet of newly snowy forest - and the shapes I can make within it that feel so oddly misplaced.


Being Assertive!

By: acepeda

Describes assertive, aggressive and passive communication styles


Weekly Rites #9 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...



By: rhe

h w


listening report6

By: qge

listening report6