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  • bleger
  • Joined: 09/07/2017
  • Profile Views:  1391
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Playlists By bleger

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Media By bleger


Weekly Rites #10 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Made it to week 10! Since my last few videos have been on the longer side, I wanted to try making something shorter. I was thinking about the body mapping we had done in class, and started feeling my collar bone. I liked playing with the speed ...


Weekly Rites #9 Briana Leger

By: bleger

Adventures in piano-ing part 2. I made this video pretty similar to my previous piano video: a clip of set rehearsed music, and some improvisation. I tried to be more lenient in my editing of the improvisation. In the first video, I was very wo...


Weekly Rites #8 Briana Leger

By: bleger

During this weekly rites, I found myself spending a lot of time focusing on me. I was looking at myself seeing how my body moved; and I thought wouldn't it be great if the camera could see this. And so I figured I'd give the head mount a try.


Weekly Rites #7 Briana Leger

By: bleger

For this weekly rites, I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted when I started... and then I saw a slinky and I threw that idea into the trash. In class this week, we talked a little bit about the concept of playing and how important that is, a...


Weekly Rites #6 Briana Leger

By: bleger

For this weekly rites, I didn't have any particular expectations in mind. At the time I was feeling rather tired and cold; which is probably why I tended to go for slow movements and keeping my limbs close to my core. One thing I found a little ...


Weekly Rites #5 Briana Leger

By: bleger

For this weekly rites, I didn't have any particular theme or ideas in mind prior to starting. I really just wanted to make it more dance-oriented, as many of my previous videos have been on other things. I had a lot of fun playing with the space...


Weekly Rites #4 Briana Leger

By: bleger

For this weekly rites, I didn't really have too much in mind for what I wanted to do; just that I wanted to go outside and see what was out there. It was a very windy Wednesday, so that ended up being what I focused on quite a bit; both in the th...


Weekly Rites #3 Briana Leger

By: bleger

This week, I decided to go outside of movement and try making sounds! Although I do think the movement of my hands in this video is pretty interesting as well... The main thing I wanted to do with this is to look at my piano playing with a set s...


Weekly Rites #2 Briana Leger

By: bleger

This week I wanted to focus a little bit more on the things around me, as opposed to my own body. As a general theme, I was thinking a lot about how I could make the objects around me look, and how I could make myself look like them. In the very...