
Adobe Connect Microphone and Audio Wizard

By: 01pdiede

Adobe Connect Microphone and Audio Wizard: This video will walk you through turning on your microphone, adjusting your mic settings, and running the audio setup wizard. If none of this works, you can always restart your computer! It works wonder...


Here, There, and Everywhere (analysis)

By: dfeurzei

Analysis of "Here, There, and Everywhere" with focus on harmony, melody, and lyrics


CIS 096 SEC Cybersecurity Guidance

By: 01jpresc

SEC guidance on the disclosure of cyber incidents to the investing public and measures to be taken to safeguard investor data


Field Education - Emotional Struggles

By: socwork

Field Education - Emotional Struggles Training Video


complex translations PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A four-minute video on how to do complex translations involving more than two subsentences.


Wordpress: 4 - Choosing the right settings

By: ctl

Choosing the right Wordpress settings