
Sugarbush Management 1

By: uvmext

Sugar makers rely on healthy, abundant maple trees to provide sap each spring. Taken together a group of maple trees managed for sap collection is called a sugarbush. Developing a healthy, productive sugarbush takes time and effort. Forests are hi...


Poetry Robot 0.91 beta

By: waw

Artist Tina Escaja. Sound activated, Infrared proximity sensor, audio detector, custom Arduino code. And Spanish poetry engraved in legs by laser.


MU 060 MIDI lecture

By: dfeurzei

Introduction to MIDI protocol


HST67/ENVS167#3-1 City States

By: anbuchan

Lecture on urbanization and rise of state-level societies


Field Education - Beginnings and Endings

By: socwork

Beginnings and Endings - Field Education Training Video


complex categoricals

By: mcweiner

A video about translating categorical sentences that have complex subjects or predicates.


Shade Tolerance 1

By: uvmext

All green plants, which includes trees, need sunlight to produce energy for survival. Some trees can satisfy their basic needs with less light than others. Sugar and red maples are two examples of such trees. They are both considered shade-toleran...