
Poetry Robot 0.91 beta

By: waw

Artist Tina Escaja. Sound activated, Infrared proximity sensor, audio detector, custom Arduino code. And Spanish poetry engraved in legs by laser.


Diggers Mirth Tour

By: vizzo

Diggers' Mirth Farm Tour


PRNU 110 Research Tips, Part 3: Searching for Biographical Information

By: gatwood

In this video, we will explore how to search a biography database as well as how to search for biographical information in CatQuest.


2020 Conference: Introductions and Welcome

By: vmc

Introduction and Welcome at the 2020 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Conference. Peter Church (Director of Forest Stewardship, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation), James Duncan (Director, Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Co...


Lip Sync- CALS 001- Lucy Powell

By: lfpowell

This is my lip syncing video for CLAS 001.