
Welcoming Guests Back on Our Farms and Ranches

By: rcbartle

As Covid-19 restrictions ease in some parts of the world, travelers who are eager to venture forth seek safe, healthy, outdoor experiences away from crowds— leading to a surge in demand for agritourism experiences which meet these criteria. Join...


Krzysztof Kieślowski's Blue (1993), cut to black

By: hneroni

Krzysztof Kieślowski's Blue (1993), bead hanging scene. Uploaded for educational purposes for FTS 121: Film theory.


CIS 096 EEA and Wang Dong

By: 01jpresc

Economic Espionage Act, U.S. v. Wang Dong


Acting with an Accent: Russian [part 1 of 5]

By: danaref

Five-part audio course in learning to speak with a Russian accent. Part of the LearnAccent.com series. Licensed by the Dana Medical Library from Dialect Access Specialists for use by UVM affiliates only. The audio files may not be downloaded or...


MU 060 Scoring a rhythmic video, pt. 3

By: dfeurzei

Synchronizing the tempo ruler to a video


CIS 096 Other Statutes

By: 01jpresc

Other statutes relevant to cyber crime


Agritourism and Racial Justice in the US

By: rcbartle

This gathering is focused on the role of agritourism within the racial justice movement in the United States. Panelists from both urban and rural perspectives will discuss the potential for farm-based education and sales of local products to serve...