
Talks From the Tuna Tower: Illegal Fish

By: zisleib

Final project - podcast on all things illegal for fishing and trading, includes ecological impact.


Lumiere Remake of Workers Leaving the Factory by Abby Bizzozero

By: abizzoze

This is a remake of one of the first films created by the Lumiere Brothers in 1895. This is a 2020 version.


relational categoricals PHIL013

By: mcweiner

A video about translating relational categoricals, sentences where one or more categories are joined by a relation, such as "Some people love all cats."



By: uvmext

Like people, plants have strong mechanisms to prevent the spread of microorganisms within their tissues. Trees are capable of "walling off" wounds to prevent infections from spreading throughout the tree. This healing process also slows, and event...


Chandler Naomi Podcast: Coral Reefs

By: nachandl

Coral Reefs and Marine biologist Tim Gordon's experiments with audio restoration


Gogerly-Moragoda and Camelo MPH Poster Presentation

By: sgogerly

Disparities in receipt of Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and 504 plans by socioeconomic status among children diagnosed with ADHD in the United States