
Weekly Rites #2 Benny Nduwayo

By: bnduwayo

It was interesting how I was able to create such smooth movements on the spot. I'm also impressed with the idea of nature that was included in the video.


Listening report3

By: yqiu4

listening report3


Weekly Rites #5 Di Lu

By: dlu3

Exercise (My computer storage was full after I cut the clips I couldn't export the video) My computer works well today, so I upload today.


speaking log6

By: zshen2

it is about the speaking log 6


speaking log6

By: zshen2



Weekly Rites #7 Briana Leger

By: bleger

For this weekly rites, I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted when I started... and then I saw a slinky and I threw that idea into the trash. In class this week, we talked a little bit about the concept of playing and how important that is, a...


Weekly Rites #6 Zoey November

By: znovembe

This week I wanted to make something a bit comical.


Weekly Rites #5 - Mi Tian

By: mtian

I video it when I was waiting for the bus. It is pretty fun when you do some weird movement in the public.


Weekly Rites #6 Zoey November

By: znovembe

I was feeling really goofy and stressed out this week, so I decided to film myself doing yoga and then I did this with the footage.