
Applied Project by Andrea Magnant

By: almagnan

Three modified tasks performed by Linda


APA Final Project Video

By: ampringl

Final Project video


Outlook on the web

By: pjp

A brief overview of the web based email and calendar client for UVM. This version of Outlook on the web is part of Microsoft's Exchange Server 2016, and is UVM's web based solution for email and calendar as of December 29th, 2015.


Adapted Physical Activity Applied Project

By: jdeso

Jen and Hanna's adapted project


Winter Park and Ride

By: waw

Mixing park and trees at Winter Park CO


AppleMail - Offline accounts

By: tsbartle

collapsing the INBOX seems to always result in one account remaining offline. When expanded, taking all accounts offline and online works.


Collaborative IT Meeting

By: tsbartle

Video of the Collaborative IT Meeting covering Exchange.


Student Voice - Benjamin Harbaugh

By: cess

Ben talks about getting real-life experience in his student teaching placements.