PHP: Winooski Food Shelf
Viewed 46 times.
Thanks for your focus on the important issue of food security in new Americans, especially as this affects mental health. Congratulations to the authors.
This is a great project that addresses specific needs to a vulnerable population in our community. It was noted that a deficiency in cultural competency was found to be a factor in why the Winooski Food Shelf cannot reach its full potential. Did your team identify any specific solutions to this problem?
Thanks Jack! Our main solution revolved around the specific food preferences for each individual community. We recorded their responses and organized a list that we provided to the food shelf. Now, despite culture and language barriers, the food shelf is aware of what culturally specific foods each community prefers.
Thank you for looking into the different barriers and perspectives around the services provided by the Winooski Food Shelf. It's great to hear that the organization is already implementing interventions to address the issues that you have identified. I was wondering if you've discussed ideas to address the long lines that some community members have experienced. Are there options for requesting to pick up the food so that people don't have to wait as long in case delivery isn't a good option for certain community members?
Thanks Mahima! This was definitely something we had discussed with the food shelf as well as community members that we interviewed. Unfortunately the food shelf is only able to allow community access within a restricted time frame. A potential long term solution we discussed was providing more volunteer opportunities for the Winooski community to get involved at the food shelf. Our thinking was that this would increase cultural competence as well as expand the number of people that could receive food in such a limited time frame.
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