Group 5 PHP Presentation

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Posted by rpage on 05/26/2021

It makes sense that job security, and reasonable wages, relate to health outcomes in general, and in those with intellectual disabilities. Thanks for focusing on this topic and congratulations to the authors.

Posted by jrfrank on 05/26/2021 Reply to rpage

We agree and hope that our data can be used to increase the awareness of the health benefits of programs similar to CCS! Thank you for your comment!

Posted by cmaclean on 05/26/2021

As a PCP, I had not heard about this program, so thanks for the education. What was the driving force behind the move to community-based employment in VT?

Posted by jrfrank on 05/26/2021 Reply to cmaclean

Thank you for your insight! One of our main goals of this study is to use our data to show the impact that CCS and other similar programs have on individual health outcomes, in the hopes that it will lead to more referrals from PCPs. We hope that this poster has at least put this on your radar for referrals.
From my understanding, the transition to community-based employment with CCS was primarily due to better employer and consumer satisfaction. The community-based employment allows employers to specify what type of job they are looking to fill and allows CCS to provide specific training for its consumers to fit the employers needs.

Posted by mihowlet on 05/26/2021

This project is well done and very informative! I am curious if the other states that have eliminated sheltered workshops also implemented something similar to CCS in Vermont or if the alternatives vary widely from state to state?