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Results for: 'Tree health'


Public Health Project - Community Assets

By: pmouwdy

Public Health Project presentation - Community Assets


What is Public Health? Video Story

By: obudingt

Public Health video story for HSCI021


HSCI-102 Public Health Digital Story - Chike Asanya

By: cjasanya

Digital story for Intro to Public Health


PHP Group 13: Attitudes Toward Informational Health Videos among People with Intellectual Disabilities

By: tharknes

Informational health videos targeted at people with intellectual disabilities were made and evaluated as part of a Public Health Project.


HPP23 Video Guide

By: career

A guide to accessing the Health Professions Portfolio Organization and instructions for how to begin to create a portfolio in preparation for application to medical or dental school


What is Public Health?

By: htetzlaf

A brief video on Public Health, Hattie Tetzlaff


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences

By: gradwc

Part 1 of a 3-part series. This video is captioned and discusses writing an abstract in the health sciences. This video covers the basic structure of an abstract, what an abstract is, how much detail you should include, tools from the Writing Cent...


Public Health Video HSCI 002

By: fmfoley

Introduction to Public Health Video Assignment - Yangdon Fenner and Fiona Foley


Health and Wellness Coaching Final 1:1 Session

By: gwbailly

Health and Wellness Coaching Final 1:1 Session