Search Results

Results for: 'Tree health'


Public Health

By: acmasi

Public Health Video


What is Public Health?

By: snewman

Public Health Video Made by Sharon Newman


Public Health

By: hhunt

Heather Hunt video on public health


What is Public Health Video

By: kvidrio

A quick video about public health!


Public Health by Evan Ray

By: emray

A video introducing public health and explaining the importance of it


UVM Integrative Health Certificates Info Session

By: kcallend

UVM Integrative Health Certificates Information Session


Integrative Health & Wellness Certificates

By: kcallend

Integrative Health & Wellness Certificates Info Session


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences

By: aloven

Part 1 of a 3-part series. This video is captioned and discusses writing an abstract in the health sciences. This video covers the basic structure of an abstract, what an abstract is, how much detail you should include, tools from the Writing Ce...


Health Professions Portfolio Quick Guide

By: career

An overview on the organization of the Blackboard site that supports pre-med students in developing their Health Professions Portfolio - a crucial step in preparing for medical or dental school application.