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Results for: 'sounds'


Contemporary IV Weekly Rites 1

By: jpowers2

This is my first video this semester, and I just played around with different spaces in Mann Hall as well as I was exploring different contrasting and similar sounds that went along with my movement for this week.


and it grows

By: omalone

unlike other weekly rites where I explore different speeds, sounds, movements, filters, lighting, etc., I wanted this to stay natural. circles comfort calming cooperative complete


Weekly Rites #3 Briana Leger

By: bleger

This week, I decided to go outside of movement and try making sounds! Although I do think the movement of my hands in this video is pretty interesting as well... The main thing I wanted to do with this is to look at my piano playing with a set s...


Weekly Rites #3 - Mi Tian

By: mtian

I added part of the background music that made by my own because it sounds interesting to me. Also I cut the video based on its melody. Hope you like it!!


Chandler Naomi Podcast: Coral Reefs

By: nachandl

Coral Reefs and Marine biologist Tim Gordon's experiments with audio restoration