
How to Set Up an iPad in Kiosk Mode

By: choman

An iPad in "kiosk mode" can be set up to show one or more videos on an unending loop. This is perfect for when you want something interesting at your conference table that showcases what your organization does. This is a quick how-to video show...


Therapy Dogs on College Campuses

By: mwood17

ASCI097 Final Presentation


Scout and Sentry Dogs

By: ckershow

ASCI 097- Final Project: Scout and Sentry Dogs by Clara Kershow


Karelian Bear Dogs for Wildlife Conservation

By: ytang7

ASCI 097OL1 The World of Working Animals - Final Product - Karelian bear dogs and their impact on ensuring wildlife conservation -YIXUAN TANG


PRNU 113 Head-to-toe assessment John Smith

By: slpinard

PRNU 113 Head-to-toe assessment


Lab 13

By: mcmcinti

Gerunds and Gerundives


The Breakroom, Ep. 9

By: writectr

Episode 9: "The Spy"