
Tree-of-Heaven Community Science Project

By: vmc

This is the first training video for FEMC's community science project.


Overdriving Spouts

By: uvmext

Although bucket spouts are still available, most spouts used in the maple industry currently are plastic and designed to be used with vacuum. Spouts are constructed of food-grade nylon or polycarbonate and are smaller in size (5/16" diameter) than...


Cancel or Modify an Appointment with the Undergrad Writing Center

By: writectr

A walk through of how to cancel or modify your appointment in WC Online for the Undergraduate Writing Center. The video has captions.


2020 Crop Update #1

By: uvmext

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. Vermont let the US again in total production with 2.2 million gallons. That is 50% of all the syrup made in the country. Vermont suga...


2020 Crop Update #2

By: uvmext

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. Vermont let the US in total taps with 6.15 million statewide. New York had the next highest number of taps with 2.8 million. Combined...


2020 Crop Update #3

By: uvmext

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. People familiar with maple sugaring might remember that it takes approximately 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. This ra...


Vermont Operation Sizes

By: uvmext

Vermont produces more maple syrup than any US state. According to statistics from the USDA, Vermont made over 2.2 million gallons of syrup in 2020. The crop is made by sugar makers with operations of all sizes. The average size of operation in Ver...


Saddled Prominent

By: uvmext

Maple trees managed for sap production remain part of a forest ecosystem. Forest ecosystems are complex communities of plants, animals and microbes all interacting with their physical environment and climate. Forests are especially competitive env...


Mark Elvidge, owner of Vermont Nut Free Chocolates, in Colchester, VT

By: uvmext

Mark Elvidge, owner of Vermont Nut Free Chocolates, in Colchester, VT