
Recording and Sharing

By: 01pdiede

How to record and share videos in Adobe Connect


John Dewey Kitchen

By: kschulit

Discussing John Dewey Kitchen with UVM Continuing & Distance Education Dean Cynthia Belliveau.


Welcome to Public Health Law & Ethics

By: 92csicca

Welcome to Public Health Law & Ethics course online.


Postwar Masculinity in Mad Men

By: asiegel4

In which I discuss the role of masculinity in the television series Mad Men.


250Statistics Part 1

By: 97dconne

Viceo leacture CDAE250 Statistics Part 1


Weeklyrites 9

By: hchen6

I selected a specific time period to recall my memories. Let my body do what it feels need to do. After this process, I found out the pictures related to my deepest memories and added them into this video including my pervious works, dance teams...


Multi-criteria Decision Analysis

By: jmurdoch

This video covers an example of the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to evaluate different decision alternatives related to sustainable forest management. The example comes from a study of forest management in Finland by Mustajoki et...