
HDFS 161 Episode 13 Community Health

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton discusses the develecology of health care and community health.


Big Joe

By: bguitar

This is a video of a person who stutters. Please complete an SSI on him.


Weekly Rites #10 - Zoey November

By: znovembe

For the final weekly rite, I went back and watched all my previous weekly rites and picked out moments and movements that I really liked. I pieced some of them together, and picked a song at random to dance to, which ended up fitting well and addi...


Faculty/Staff: Join an Interest Group through Handshake

By: career

Steps outline how faculty & staff can connect to Career Interest Groups through a student Handshake Profile - enabling them to "see what students see" when they take advantage of these career resources.


Acting with an Accent: Russian [part 3 of 5]

By: danaref

Five-part audio course in learning to speak with a Russian accent. Part of the LearnAccent.com series. Licensed by the Dana Medical Library from Dialect Access Specialists for use by UVM affiliates only. The audio files may not be downloaded or...


wright Family at Stowe 1967

By: waw

copied from 8mm film to VHS and transcoded several times since


Truthiness and Falsiness In Python

By: cbcafier

Truthiness and Falsiness In Python


SegmentTargetPositionPart 2

By: 97dconne

segment target position lecture part 2


Risk Behavior & Screening Slides

By: eelliske

Class for Risk Behaviors across the lifespan.