
Build Your Own Value System in Your College Life

By: xzhang1

I stated that, in this video, the most important thing in college is to build your own value system. And also, this video is my reflection of Pinker's article, Deresiewics's article and Buton's video.


Weeklyrites 8

By: hchen6

Sunny Saturday, warm weather and a excited dancer. Say hello to the late coming Spring.


Survey Research Part 1

By: 97dconne

CDAE 250 Survey Research Part 1 video lecture


CIS 096 International Treaties and Regulations

By: 01jpresc

Convention on Cybercrime, EU Directives and Regulations


Christian Linberg - Tenor Madness

By: clinberg

Recorded with Joseph Capps for Christian Linberg's Level II audition as an MTB major.


Numerical Integration

By: lhebertd

CSYS 6020, MOCS, week 4, video 3


Syrup Clarity

By: uvmext

Syrup clarity is one of the four basics of grading. Syrup that come right off the evaporator is cloudy. Most of the cloudiness found in unfiltered syrup is naturally occurring minerals such as calcium also known as sugar sand or niter. Syrup clari...