
Welcome to Module 1

By: 92csicca

Welcome to the first module of the UVM Cannabis in Science and Medicine certificate program.


Acting with an Accent: Polish [part 3 of 5]

By: danaref

Five-part audio course in learning to speak with a Polish accent. Part of the LearnAccent.com series. Licensed by the Dana Medical Library from Dialect Access Specialists for use by UVM affiliates only. The audio files may not be downloaded or ...


Welcome to Epidemiology for Practice

By: 92csicca

Professor Linda Roberts welcome video for her UVM Public Health Epidemiology for Practice online course.


Why Does Sap Flow?

By: uvmext

Why Does Sap Flow from Maple Trees? Throughout the maple region, there are several weeks of alternating freeze and thaw temperatures each spring. This weather provides the right conditions for sap flow in maple. Unlike most trees, maples have tiny...


Video Data

By: nprugar

Final Project: Video Data


HDFS 161 Episode 2

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton discusses the concept of "the social context" of development and provides examples and raises questions about what aspects of the social context are important to children, families and others across the life span.



By: uvmext

Winter is almost over and spring is almost here; it's time to make maple syrup. Each season sugar makers have to drill a new hole if they want to collect sap. The reason for this has to do with how trees respond to wounds. When a hole is drilled i...


The Power of Communicating Your Experiences

By: career

Communicate past experiences to reflect skillsets gained. Understand the value in any opportunity for future applicability in the workforce.