
Sture Hansson: University of Vermont Marsh Professor Lecture The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: On Algal Blooms in the Baltic Sea

By: presdent

Blue-green algal blooms are common in the Baltic Sea as well as in many lakes, and they are often seen as a nuisance and an indication of environmental degradation. But because something is ugly does not necessarily mean that it's also bad. Can cy...


Vermont Operation Sizes

By: uvmext

Vermont produces more maple syrup than any US state. According to statistics from the USDA, Vermont made over 2.2 million gallons of syrup in 2020. The crop is made by sugar makers with operations of all sizes. The average size of operation in Ver...


2005-10-xx October hike and ski

By: waw

Early October snow provided sufficient base to ski the Goat (October 26) and Liftline (Oct 30) at Mansfield. Stan Scott Wes Jim Kris


250 Paradigms Part 1

By: 97dconne

video lecture CDAE 250 Paradigms Part 1


PHP Group 7: Neighborhood and Safety

By: nfeinber

PHP Group 7's presentation on the perception of neighborhood and safety in the state of Vermont


introduction to relational translations PHIL013

By: mcweiner

An introduction to relational logic, with an explanation of relations and how to translate relational sentences with no quantifiers or one quantifier.


Student Voice - Ly Nguyen

By: cess

Ly talks about her field experience work with children.


What is Public Health?

By: kmrobles

Introduction to Public Health Class Digital Story - What is Public Health?