
Group Hawthorne Rootwork Herbals

By: afriel

Group Hawthorne's presentation on Rootwork Herbals for ENVS 195, Plant Based Healing Medicine


Navigating the Grant Submission Process at UVM

By: ktoksu

OVPR Grant Proposal Manager Jeralyn Haraldsen, Ph.D., provides an overview of the pre-award aspects of the grant lifecycle, including: roles and responsibilities; resources available at UVM; and the timeframe of the UVM internal approval process.


Justifying Your Budget

By: ktoksu

Topics discussed include: who is responsible for budget development at UVM; how a budget is used by reviewers and program officials; the budget tools available; budget prep best practices; budget justification best practices; different types of co...


predicates and constants PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A short video on predicate logic, introducing constants and predicate letters.


Sex dysfunction: Orgasm

By: arellini

lecture on orgasm dysfunction


Introduction to Food Chemistry Part Three

By: atrubek

This final introductory video by Dr. Almstead will cover carbohydrates and lipids.


UVM Computer Science 2020 Awards Ceremony

By: rdasari

Virtual awards night for Computer Science and Data Science Majors in CEMS


HST67/ENVS167#7-2: Ecologies of Global Power (2)

By: anbuchan

Lecture on economic, military and environmental consequences of consolidation of US global hegemony post-WWII