
ML - AU 2nd

By: mmccorm1

ML - AU 2nd Trial


MU 060 asst 3 harmonic spectra

By: dfeurzei

Exploration of harmonic spectra using Audacity, including synthesis and analysis


EE 100 LAB1 vid

By: jlonaeus

How to use a Multimeter


Weekly Rites 9

By: jpowers2

There is something so interesting about a few twinkling lights and a bed that makes me wonder why we don't just use natural light like we used to before electricity. But at the same time without electricity these purple lights wouldn't be possible!


Round Penning Buck- Part 2

By: mwbowman

Week of October 14th


PHYS021 Term Project trial video

By: jfwarren

Index card that projectile is being shot towards is set at 2m.