
Using a new tool: Forest Impacts of Climate Change: Monitoring Indicators

By: vmc

This was presented by Pia Ruisi-Besares. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to https://www.uvm.edu/femc/cooperative...


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 3: Tree Physiology

By: mmcdonal

George Conklin gives an introduction to sugaring


NFS 274 Common Roots Presentation - Zoe Dumais

By: zdumais

Here is my audio for my Common Roots practicum


LGBTQ Hate Crime Effects on Health

By: scunnin2

This is Stella Cunningham's final project for SOC195.


Weekly Rites #5 - Mi Tian

By: mtian

I video it when I was waiting for the bus. It is pretty fun when you do some weird movement in the public.


Video log 2

By: hyu9

video log


EE100 Lab 1 Video

By: obrandri

Instructional video on measuring voltage drop with a standard multimeter.