
Defining stress & strain

By: plintilh

defining stress & strain


and it grows

By: omalone

unlike other weekly rites where I explore different speeds, sounds, movements, filters, lighting, etc., I wanted this to stay natural. circles comfort calming cooperative complete


Finding ebooks at UVM

By: dsbenson

Short tutorial on using CATQuest to locate ebooks in the Libraries' collections.


Recommendation for Routine AAA Screening in Men Ages 65-75 who smoke

By: mkilbrid

2 min elevator speech of why we should start incorporating a AAA screening in all men ages 65-75 who smoke or have ever smoked.


Sweet Georgia Bright

By: mffisher

In this video I play "Sweet Georgia Bright" by Charles Lloyd. I play the head, do 32 bars of improvised solo, 16 bars of chord comping, and return to the head.


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 9: What is Important to You and Wrapping up

By: mmcdonal

Tour of operations at Shelburne Farms with George Conklin


109 lect 5 intervals

By: dfeurzei

How to build and ID intervals