
UVM Geology Seminar Series - 10/12/2020 - Andrew Christ

By: nperdria

Fossils frozen beneath a mile ice: new insights from the first Greenland ice core


EE 134 Lab 5: 7-Segment Display

By: csword

This lab's task was to display numbers on a 7-segment display.


Final EE 001 Project

By: mcarriga

This is a video of my final EE 001 project. My project is an interval timer using two 7-segment displays and an Arduino.


Weekly Rites #1 Briana Leger

By: bleger

In this weekly rites, I was mostly experimenting with the new process. During much of this video, I am watching a fly on the ceiling. I didn't have any particular thoughts or direction in mind, I was just letting my body do its own thing.


"Stag" Creative Project #2

By: aescajah

FTS 121 Film/Television Theory Creative Project #2 Assignment


Interview with Don Holly, Director of Technical Services at Rhino Foods in South Burlington, VT

By: uvmext

Interview with Don Holly, Director of Technical Services at Rhino Foods in South Burlington, VT