
Weekly Rides 10

By: mtian

I was taking video for my other dance project. It is so hard to play with shadow and find a suitable angle to make a beautiful picture.


Deco Drive 2001

By: waw

Dear Belkys and Lynn: Help! We live in the small town of Starksboro, VT, population 1700 or so. We still have one of them old timey giant C-Band satellite dishes in our backyard. It brings us FOX TV via WSVN Miami. More importantly, it br...


2018 Instructor Welcome (Bob Wildin)

By: rwildin

Instructor's Welcome Video Spring 2018 GRNS325 PATH325 "Genetics for Clinicians" by Bob Wildin, M.D.


WE - Intro To Teaching Yoga Sequence

By: ctaylo10

WE - Intro To Teaching Yoga Full Yoga Asana Sequence



By: yxia3

Steve's video log 1


summary and personal response

By: zshen2

summary and personal response