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Results for: 'new faculty'

Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer Management on Northern Hardwood Forest Dynamics in New England
This was presented by Hanusia Higgins. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to

Active Learning in Remote Synchronous Classes
Remote synchronous teaching and learning is here to stay, for at least one more semester. In this session, we’ll use a holistic view of active learning* to frame student engagement and promote deep learning. You’ll be asked to identify at least on...

The FEMC Sampler: New releases of regional data and tools from the Cooperative in 2020
This was presented by James Duncan. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to

proofs vI double negation double arrow PHIL013
A video of just over six minutes about doing proofs with four new rules: or in, double negation, and double arrow in and out.

conditional derivation proofs PHIL 013C
A nine-minute video about conditional derivation, a new kind of rule. Listen closely for a special appearance from a squeaky raccoon.

Addressing food insecurity among Winooski New American communities and ways to help the Winooski Food Shelf improve its services to meet these communities' needs

Forest Impacts of Climate Change: Monitoring Indicators webinar
A webinar to share how to use the new FEMC tool "Forest Impacts of Climate Change: Monitoring Indicators" and a brief analysis of monitoring northeastern forest ecosystems.