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Results for: 'Covering both the Assignment Tool and the Grade Center'
End-of-life Choices in Vermont and Advanced Directives
Completing your advance care directive can be complicated. We’ll explore the values tool kit as well as various options available and will help you complete your advance directive. Class will include discussion about how to have “the conversat...
A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...
Dr. Terence Bradshaw, Assistant Professor Specialty Crops Production and Director of the Horticulture Research & Education Center, University of Vermont Communicating to the public about the pros/cons of herbicides in our cropping systems and the...
The recent period of expansion in the maple industry has seen both established operations grow and many new operations start from scratch. Some real estate listings of land include estimated potential taps. But how many of those taps are actually ...
Chap 2 Viruses Parasites and Fungi
Discussion of general characteristics of each. Special discussion of both Hepatitis A and Norovirus. Parasites includes mention of worms and importance of knowing that fish to be served raw or undercooked must be frozen first to kill worms. Trichi...
A Map-based Stock Change Approach for Fine-scale Biomass and Carbon Accounting in New York State
This was presented by Lucas Johnson as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, l...
Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview
Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...
Agritourism as a Tool for Rural Development and Women’s Empowerment
Agritourism has the potential to empower women around the world, especially in rural communities. Join community leaders who are initiating this work in Uganda, North Macedonia, Peru, and the United States. We'll also hear from researchers who are...
This conversation with Center for Sustainable Agriculture Pasture Program Coordinator Jenn Colby and guests Beth Whiting and Bruce Hennessey of Maple Wind Farm, Greg Georgaklis from Farmers to You and staff from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, ...