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Results for: 'Land Use'


Win/win-group practice

By: nwei

It have definition of win/win and how to use win/win in our normal life


Multi-criteria Decision Analysis

By: jmurdoch

This video covers an example of the use of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to evaluate different decision alternatives related to sustainable forest management. The example comes from a study of forest management in Finland by Mustajoki et...


Networking and Building Your Online Professional Presence

By: career

This 9 minute video covered the essential of building and tending to your personal brand online. It will help students: 1) Understand the impact of their online presence: what potential employers are looking for / concerned about 2) Know wh...


March 25: Teenagers, Screentime, Media Use

By: jdickers

This week's slideshow for review


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Mentor Texts (Pt 3)

By: aloven

This video is captioned. In part three of our three-part series, we will go over how to use a mentor text as an example for how to structure your own work.


How to Use WCOnline for Online Tutoring Sessions

By: aloven

This captioned video explores how to log into and participate in an online tutoring session.


Continence Visual Supports

By: jnauheim

This video reviews easy to make visual supports families can use during toileting and instructions on how to make them. The Continence Project believes the mastery of toileting skills promotes inclusion at home, school, and in the community. We be...


EE 100 LAB1 vid

By: jlonaeus

How to use a Multimeter


Prepare & Adapt your Elevator Pitch

By: career

Elements of a strong pitch, and when and how to effectively use your pitch.