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Results for: 'UVM; University of Vermont; UVM Continuing and Distance Education'


Contemporary IV Weekly Rites 1

By: jpowers2

This is my first video this semester, and I just played around with different spaces in Mann Hall as well as I was exploring different contrasting and similar sounds that went along with my movement for this week.


Weekly Rites 2

By: jpowers2

Music is inspiration. It is a way of expression, and movement with a dash of sound is magic. This is me in my natural habitat and my random radio playlists :)


Weekly Rite 3 -- Hands

By: eseyler

Mowzer has become the Alfred Hitchcock of cats, making cameo appearances that invariably influence the entire flic. Here, I explore life from her perspective (and perch)...and begin dancing with my hands, something I've enjoyed through the years. ...


Weekly Rite 4 -- Beethoven

By: eseyler

What began as an exploration of movement in shadow three weeks ago becomes, today, an homage to Beethoven's brilliance. This part of Concerto No. 2 always chokes me up because of the beauty and silence and peace of it. (Turn your sound up to hear ...


Weekly Rites 6

By: jpowers2

There is an interesting connection between the top half of the body and the lower half. I didn't mean to coincide the movements in this video with that theme, but the way it came out brought it up in context, and I just ran with it!


Weeklyrites 6

By: hchen6

A day begins from the bed, ends on the bed. For a slacker, I want to eat on bed, do homework on bed and, even dance and explore on bed.


Build Your Own Value System in Your College Life

By: xzhang1

I stated that, in this video, the most important thing in college is to build your own value system. And also, this video is my reflection of Pinker's article, Deresiewics's article and Buton's video.


anterior and medial thigh

By: larms

anatomy lecture on the anterior and medial thigh


gluteal and posterior thigh region

By: larms

anatomy lecture on the gluteal and posterior thigh regions.