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Results for: 'UVM; University of Vermont; UVM Continuing and Distance Education'

Creating an Open Access Impact Within and Beyond the University
A growing movement is using tools such as open access journals and repositories to transform scholarly communications on a global scale. Open access refers to literature and published research results that are made available online without access ...

University Scholar Lecture - Gregory L. Holmes
University Scholar lecture delivered by Gregory L. Holmes, M.D., Chair, Department of Neurological Sciences and Professor of Neurological Sciences and Pediatrics as part of the 2020-2021 University Scholar Lecture Series.

Vermont laws governing the production and sale of pure maple syrup grant the authority to regulate to the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets. The regulations that have been developed as a result of those laws cover everything from the ...

Vegetable Farmers and Their Weed Control Machines
This 75-minute video features nine New England vegetable farmers who explain and demonstrate how they use a variety of weed management equipment.

Keeping a Focus on Equity & Access webinar (audio only)
While farmers are shifting methods of sales and distribution, many are also continuing and developing practices that address community food access, broader food system justice goals, and other ways of addressing equity right at the farm level. Pl...

Vermont’s Long-term Rare Plant Monitoring in a Changing World
This was presented by Aaron Marcus as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Vermont Department of Fish & Wildl...

The recent period of expansion in the maple industry has seen both established operations grow and many new operations start from scratch. Some real estate listings of land include estimated potential taps. But how many of those taps are actually ...

Forest Monitoring for Early Successional Species in the Green Mountains
This was presented by Laurence Clarfeld as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Near the turn of the century,...

The USDA released the estimates for the 2019 Vermont maple crop. The numbers show that Vermont produced just over 2 million gallons of syrup in 2019. This represents a nearly 50% of all the syrup produced in the US and just under 7% increase from ...