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Results for: 'Survey Research Part 1'


Planon Access and Navigation

By: mrichard

Basic access and navigation in Planon


Planon - Property Portfolio

By: mrichard

How to use the Property Portfolio in Planon


Planon - Accessing Floor Plans and Viewing Spaces

By: mrichard

How to view floor plans and spaces in Planon.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Signal Moves (Pt 2)

By: aloven

This video is captioned. In Part Two of our three-part series,"Signal Moves," we discuss this tool for creating a research story. This video goes over what signal moves are, what kinds of writing they can be useful for, and additional resources.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Signal Moves (Pt 2)

By: gradwc

This video is captioned. In Part Two of our three-part series,"Signal Moves," we discuss this tool for creating a research story. This video goes over what signal moves are, what kinds of writing they can be useful for, and additional resources.


#ExpertsLive | Government Power in Times of Crisis

By: strigg

Lisa Holmes, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Vermont Part of the #ExpertsLive series by the College of Arts & Sciences. In this talk, Professor Holmes looks at emergency powers, executive power, and federalism in the ...


PRNU 110 Research Tips Part 1: Selecting Keywords

By: gatwood

In this video, we will talk about how to select the best keywords for your search.


PRNU 110 Research Tips, Part 2: Searching Journal Literature

By: gatwood

In this video, we will explore how to search CINAHL for journal articles.


PRNU 110 Research Tips, Part 3: Searching for Biographical Information

By: gatwood

In this video, we will explore how to search a biography database as well as how to search for biographical information in CatQuest.