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Results for: 'Survey Research Part 1'

Poster presentation on financial stress in Vermont during Covid 19 era. The questions were part of a much larger survey which was conducted by United Way.

Food Insecurity in the COVID-19 Era
Analysis of Vermonters' perceptions surrounding food security during COVID-19 as measured by a survey distributed by VT United Way agencies in October 2020.

Improving the Accessibility and Efficacy of the UVMMC CHNA to Populations Experiencing Homelessness
PHP Group 3- Recommendations for the CHNA to better serve, access, and learn from the population experiencing homelessness supplied by survey and key informant interview data.

Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Signal Moves (Pt 2)
This video is captioned. In Part Two of our three-part series,"Signal Moves," we discuss this tool for creating a research story. This video goes over what signal moves are, what kinds of writing they can be useful for, and additional resources.

Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Signal Moves (Pt 2)
This video is captioned. In Part Two of our three-part series,"Signal Moves," we discuss this tool for creating a research story. This video goes over what signal moves are, what kinds of writing they can be useful for, and additional resources.

#ExpertsLive | Government Power in Times of Crisis
Lisa Holmes, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Vermont Part of the #ExpertsLive series by the College of Arts & Sciences. In this talk, Professor Holmes looks at emergency powers, executive power, and federalism in the ...