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Results for: 'Not Just A Paycheck'


Syrup Contests

By: uvmext

Summer is here and for maple sugar makers that means contest time. Entering syrup in a contest is a great way to show off your product, make sure your syrup meets standards and earn a class winner or best is show ribbon. There are a few things to ...



By: uvmext

Pear thrips is a species of insect that while native to Europe and Eurasia has been present in the United States for over 100 years. This insect is slender and brown as an adult and just over one mm long with delicately fringed wings. Thrips were ...


Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filtering

By: uvmext

Just as the sugars found in sap become concentrated during boiling, so too are the naturally occurring minerals found in sap. As the concentration of minerals increases in the sap, it approaches, then exceeds the point of saturation. When that hap...


Sugar Maple Seeds

By: uvmext

Sugar makers and community members alike have noticed a large number of sugar maple seedlings this spring. These first year trees were the result of a large seed year in 2019. Sugar maples begin producing seed when they are about 40 years old or 8...


proofs vI double negation double arrow PHIL013

By: mcweiner

A video of just over six minutes about doing proofs with four new rules: or in, double negation, and double arrow in and out.


Syrup Quality - Density

By: uvmext

Producing pure maple syrup is a time honored tradition in Vermont. Whether you are a large producer filling drums and selling on the bulk market or a backyard producer making just enough for family and a few lucky friends, syrup quality is critica...


Pinterest - How to Create

By: hag

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool to collect links to images. Image links are placed on "boards" in the order in which you collect them. You can create multiple boards based on topics of your choosing. The thumbnail images it creates link bac...


Weekly Rite 1

By: semacdon

Here I wanted to play with the unique opportunity film creates for movement sequences. If I were to perform the series of movements presented here for an actual audience I would not be able to achieve the same effect. Film and editing allows for r...