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Results for: 'Maple Syrup'

Cultural Responses to Economic Change in the Maple Industry
Presentation by Michael Lange, Associate Professor, Champlain College. Plenary Talk at the 2017 Vermont Maple Conference, recorded January 2017.

Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 1: Intro
Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Tour with George Conklin

Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 2: Stand Management, Tapping and Impact
Video tour of Shelburne Farms Maple Sugar facility

Like people, plants have strong mechanisms to prevent the spread of microorganisms within their tissues. Trees are capable of "walling off" wounds to prevent infections from spreading throughout the tree. This healing process also slows, and event...

Maple trees managed for sap production remain part of a forest ecosystem. Forest ecosystems are complex communities of plants, animals and microbes all interacting with their physical environment and climate. Forests are especially competitive env...

Maple Business Transfer Planning 2022
An introduction to maple business succession and transfer planning. Recorded 08/31/2022

National Maple Market Development and Policy 2022
An introduction to current efforts exploring unified U.S. maple promotion and policy frameworks to address national needs. Recorded 09/14/2022