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Results for: 'Make 3 passes'
For this weekly rites, I didn't have any particular theme or ideas in mind prior to starting. I really just wanted to make it more dance-oriented, as many of my previous videos have been on other things. I had a lot of fun playing with the space...
Most of my weekly rites up til now have been less "dance-y" but after seeing Sean Dorsey Dance perform on Friday night, I was inspired improvise focusing on gesture and hand/arm-initiated movement. I like dancing in response to performances that I...
Weekly Rites #9 - Zoey November
This week I spent a lot of time in the woods. Interested in the soft holding quiet of newly snowy forest - and the shapes I can make within it that feel so oddly misplaced.
Playing dance game with Mi during Thanksgiving break. This is my favorite weekly rites!! I did some editing to make it look more fun and have a sense of rhythm.
I was taking video for my other dance project. It is so hard to play with shadow and find a suitable angle to make a beautiful picture.
This is a video required for HSCI021 Section A, Introduction to Public Health. It was a pleasure to make :)
EDEL 159 "what's your angle" class dance
Students had to make angles with their bodies and submit pictures. I took them all to create a dance (since we couldn't dance together in class!)