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Results for: 'Major Project 2 Intro'


Catapult Video Data

By: ckuiper

Proof that the term project for PHY 021 is able to move in 2 dimensions.


Physics Final Video

By: ckuiper

Physics 021 project.


NFS 143 Podcast Project Team 5

By: jrmccorm

In this episode, we will discuss what food insecurity is, what it looks like for college students, and what we should do about it. Food insecurity is a growing issue in our country today. As we explore the topic of food insecurity focused on colle...


Vermont's Resilient Right-of-Ways Project

By: vmc

This was presented by Karl Honkonen. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to


Tree-of-Heaven Community Science: Using the Map and Submitting a Report

By: vmc

This is the second training video for FEMC's community science project. 0:00-2:40- Identifying a Parcel to Visit 2:40-6:20- Submitting a Report (Did Find Tree-of-Heaven) 6:20-8:47- Submitting a Report (Didn't Find Tree-of-Heaven)


Children information for study on motor learning

By: lsavard

This video describe the study procedures for children participating in the motor learning project