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Results for: 'PHP'

Addressing food insecurity among Winooski New American communities and ways to help the Winooski Food Shelf improve its services to meet these communities' needs

PHP 11: Next Generation Cancer Screenings
Our PHP group helped the Next Generation Cancer Screening group, better known as Less Cancer, by surveying individuals on their understanding of the utility of cancer screenings. We assessed participants' understanding of screening as it pertains...

PHP: Fall Risk and Prevention in VT
Research Presented by LCOM MS1 students (c/o 2024) in partnership with the Falls Free Vermont Coalition

PHP Group 6: Addressing the Needs of Sara Holbrook Community Center Caregivers​
Using interviews of Sara Holbrook Community Center (SHCC) staff and surveys sent out to caregivers (i.e., parents and guardians) of the children who attend SHCC, we identified the most common stressors for caregivers. We then proposed three action...

Informational health videos targeted at people with intellectual disabilities were made and evaluated as part of a Public Health Project.

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 12's poster identifying adaptations to school meal distributions in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

PHP 16: Initial Assessment of a Suicide Prevention Resource for Vermont Primary Care
Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 16's poster assessing a Suicide Prevention Resource for Vermont Primary Care.

Age Well: Home Health Care Shortages in Northwestern VT during the COVID-19 Pandemic
PHP Group 09: Age Well Jeremy Altman, Matt Breseman, Edom Girma, Alex Kubacki, Louisa Moore, Amanda Nattress, Noah Sorkow, Kristen Wright